"Thoughts Regarding Tire-Pavement Noise," Presentation to the Summer Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee ADC40 on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 29 July 2013
"Possible Benefits of Sound-Absorptive Shoulders," Presentation to the Summer Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee ADC40 on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration, Asheville, North Carolina, 23 July 2012
"Highway Traffic Noise Control--Town v. Country," Presentation to the Summer Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee ADC40 on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration, Denver, Colorado, 19 July 2010
"Simple Methods for Estimating Highway Noise," Paper No. 09-0126 Presented to the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC, 14 January 2009
"Noise Emissions Measurements Near Tight Curves," Presentation to the Wayside Transit Noise and Vibration Methodologies and Criteria Workshop of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC, 11 January 2009
"Possible Noise-Control Benefits of Highway Cross-Section Selection," Presentation to Committee ADC40--Highway Noise Subcommittee Meeting at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC, 12 January 2009
"A Field Guide to Animal Sounds," Presentation to the Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee ADC40 on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration, Key West, Florida, 23 July 2008
"Age-Weighted Sound Levels," Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 55, No. 5, September-October 2007
"Comparison of Green and Conventional Diesel Bus Noise Levels," (with J.C. Ross), Proceedings of Noise-Con 2007, October 2007
"Representing Noise Exposures--Downfall of Contourtionists," Sound & Vibration Magazine, Vol. 40, N0. 8, August 2006
"Highway-Compatible Residential Development--a Feasible Ideal," TR News, No. 240, Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Research Council, Washington, DC, September-October 2005
"Musical Pavements," Sound & Vibration Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 8, August 2005
"Traffic Noise Model vs. Extreme Topography," Journal of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record, TRR No. 1859, Washington, DC, 2003
"Noise Impact Estimates per FTA and APTA Criteria," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.. 267, Pg. 407-418 (presented at the 7th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN), Portland, Maine, 2001
"Comparison of Light-Rail and Bus Transit Noise Impact Estimates per Federal and Industry Criteria," Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record, TRR No. 1756, Washington, DC, 2001
"Experience Predicting Construction Site Noise," Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record, TRR No. 1702, Washington, DC, 2000
"Procedure for Correcting Sound Level Measurements for Background Noise Influences," Paper No. 94-WA/NCA-7 presented at the Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, November 1994